Providing rapid transfer without breaking containment.
CRL Alpha Ports are available in various sizes and configurations. Ports are typically constructed of stainless steel and have optional door materials available to provide flexibility for various application needs.
When the Alpha flange is mated with a Beta assembly, products, equipment or waste can be rapidly transferred into and out of isolators or gloveboxes without breaking containment.
Available standard sizes (mm): 105 | 190 | 270 | 350
Interlock System
The CRL Rapid Transfer Port (RTP) features mechanical interlocks that prevent the improper operation of the transfer port which can compromise the containment and sterility of the barrier/isolator. The interlocks are incorporated into the Alpha flange and interface with the alpha port door handle to prevent:
- The Alpha port door from being opened when a Beta flange has not been docked
- The Beta flange from being removed from the Alpha flange when the Alpha port door is open
- The Alpha port door handle from being rotated when the door is open